
trust and investment company中文是什么意思

  • 信托投资公司



  • 例句与用法
  • The most important financial institutions are the banks , the stockexchange , the trust and investment companies and the insurancecorporations
  • China allowed so - called window or trust and investment companies in the 1980s and 1990s , but they made largely unproductive investments abroad
  • The non - bank financial sector mainly co isted of trust and investment companies , securities firms , finance companies and i urance firms as well as many urban and rural credit cooperatiives
  • The non - bank financial sector mainly consisted of trust and investment companies , securities firms , finance companies and insurance firms as well as many urban and rural credit cooperatiives
  • Wuling international hotel formerly wuling hotel is the hunan tourism bureau sentinel foreign hotel three - star level , trust and investment companies under the hunan provincial finance department
  • As part of the financial industry , the non - bank financial sector is a branch of financial system composed of financial institutions with no credit creation function such as securities , insurance and trust and investment companies
  • As part of our reorganization , ping an became a holding company and established as operating subsidiaries china ping an life insurance co . , ltd . , china ping an property insurance co . , ltd . , china ping an insurance overseas ( holdings ) co . and ping an trust and investment company
    平安信托投资公司依法参股并持有平安证券公司30 %的股权,形成了以保险为主,金融证券、信托、投资和海外业务为一体的紧密、高效的集团控股经营架构。
  • While there are so many problems that made trust and investment companies face lots of internal and external risks in real operation such as the immature market , the scarcity of government legislation and supervision , the management risks in the trust and investment companies and so on . all these need be solved by the trust and investment companies under the assistance of government department responsible for legislation and supervision . this article states from the real status of the trust industry , analyses the risk of it and brings forward the solutions from the following four angles : innovating trust production , such as npl trust , state - owned stock trust , leasing trust , mbo trust , esot , etc , perfecting the mechanism of risk control from var model and risk estimation , enhancing the cooperation with other financial institutions like banks , securities institutions , insurance companies and leasing companies , and strengthening the system of government legislation , supervision and self - restriction of trust and investment companies
  • 推荐英语阅读
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